Wednesday, February 2, 2011


While I am rarely frightened by people, except those with guns drawn, I have a great deal of respect for large dogs.  On most occasions no matter what size the dog I will stay in my car to see if the dog is wagging its tail before I exit the vehicle.  I have been known to stay in my car and phone the defendant to ask if the dog is safe.  And then of course hope that the defendant is not sitting in the house laughing uproariously at my demise.  On some few occasions I have honked the horn of my car until someone comes outside to either hold the dog or take the papers if I am lucky.  The dark of night adds an entire new dimension to the large dog dilemma.

I was out in one of the rural counties and it was a particularly dark night, one without a moon.  The residence of the man I needed to serve was poised on a few fenced acres.  It was fortuitous that my defendant’s abode, while fenced, had the gate to the double wide driveway standing open. I drove down the driveway to the open detached garage.  A light was on in the back of the house, but the front, including the garage area, was very dark.  Several dogs were in the yards and a couple of the dogs were quite large.  I sat in my car contemplating my next actions when I noticed that the largest of the dogs had come to my car door not only wagging his tail but jumping up on the door as it he wanted me to come out and play.  I decided that it was going to be OK for me to get out, after all he was the largest dog in the yard and surely he would defend me.  I was about half way to the front door with my flashlight in hand when out of the corner of my vision, I saw The Biggest Dog I have ever seen in my life.  I quickly turned to assess the situation and perhaps make a run for my car….as the beam of the flashlight illuminated the approaching Biggest Dog, I focused on the shaggiest Shetland Pony in the entire world.  Now who would have ponies in their yard and not have the gates closed?  But I still do not like big dogs.

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